Counting The Days Until...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Year!

Yes, today is the one day that occurs only every four years to help our calendar keep in step with the solar calendar. Did you know that it doesn't happen at the turn of century unless that year is divisible by four? I didn't either, but I do now - at least today! I won't be around for the next turn of the century, but who knows? My post just may be.

Now that's a thought...what will happen to all of our blogs once we're gone? I suppose they will stay suspended in cyberspace for eternity - or as long as the World Wide Web is still in existence. Makes me want to choose more carefully what I write about, since each blog post will outlive me. Wow! I'm into some deep thoughts - thinking about eternity always does that to me.

How about you? Have you thought about eternity lately? A.W. Tozer said, "We do well to think of the long tomorrow." How true, but how often we get caught up in day to day living (and blog posting) that life speeds by without giving eternity more than a dreadful glance. I encourage you to take time to click on the "Two Ways To Live" logo on the right side bar of my blog. It will help you consider well the eternity that awaits us all, and since it is an extra day today - you might just have the time !

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