I hope this works! This video is of Norah reading to me her favorite book, "Goodnight, Moon!" As you can see she likes the color pictures best, and is quite fluent in baby-talk! Amazing! If we only had an interpreter. :-)
rating: 5 of 5 stars This book has helped me grow in my love for eternity. There have been times when thinking of life after death has frightened me, not knowing what to expect. Randy has researched the Scriptures extensively, and his perspective is like a fresh breeze blowing in a stagnant room. I didn't realize how much I had embraced a false view of Heaven until now. Everything that I love about life here on Earth is just a shadow of the world to come! When I arrive in Heaven it will be familiar to me because that is the world for which I was made. I highly recommend this book - although long - it is worth a slow, contemplative read.
You are such a good Nana. I bet that she will learn a lot from you. Love
AWE!!!! I love it!!! She is so cute!!!!! :)
oh my goodness! What a precious video to have! That is so adorable hearing her talk like that.. She's growing up so fast!
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