Counting The Days Until...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Bosse Bowlers

For the past several years our church hosts a summer bowling league for ten weeks. It has been fun to be on the same team with our good friends and neighbors, Bob and Bonnie Anderson. Last Christmas they blessed us with our very own team shirts embroidered with our names. How did we fare this year having such a unified, professional look? We came in second TO LAST!!! Never has losing been so much fun.

I might add that my brother's team, Meet The Grandparents, came in first. Billy and Sherry have played for several years with their good friends, Rob and Dolly Dollard. Although it is way too much fun teasing Rob otherwise, they really do have a good team. For our final night they came dressed to kill all the competition - in camoflauge.
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