Counting The Days Until...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fay, Fay Go Away!

It's still raining in the Soggy Sunshine State!

Tropical Storm Fay began crying over us on Tuesday night and today was the first time the sun peaked from behind the clouds. Although it was only for a few minutes. I happened to be right next to a window and noticed the moment the sun broke through! It was a welcomed sight.

However, Fay has continued to draw us into her grief by filling our normally dry retention pond with water. I'll post a picture soon of how full our little pond is. Even with the many storms we faced in 2004, this has been the most accumulation of water I've ever seen - and I've lived here my entire life! :-)

I love the rain, but even I am ready for the sun to shine. In 2004 we had four different storms hit Florida. This year we had one storm hit us 4 times: once in Key West, once in Naples, once in Flagler Beach and once in the panhandle - amazing! Isn't God awesome? He displays His majesty and glory even in the midst of the storm!

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