Counting The Days Until...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

William and Grace Oswalt
April 6, 1957
50th Wedding Anniversary
Big Mama!

Long before Hollywood came out with a movie of this title, this name was special to me. As the youngest grandchild I never knew why we called my Mother's Mom, Big Mama. To me that was just her name - even though she wasn't big at all. After asking my Mom why we called her this, I was told that her first grandchild had a Mama and his grandmother was the Big Mama. Voila! In French, that means "there it is!" Now you know why.

But how I wish you could have met her. She was born in 1889 and had six children. Three died in childhood (Leonard, age 9 mths.; Marion, age 2 yrs.; Vincent, age 7) and only one survived her - my mother. They moved to Florida from Oklahoma in 1922 where my family purchased land to grow citrus out in South Clermont. Her story is one of redemption having met the Savior in her early twenties.

She lived with us the last five years of her life, so I have many memories of her telling me Bible stories, praying for me and listening to talk radio. She loved Little House of the Prairie because it reminded her of her childhood.

She devoted her life to her family and prayed for us daily. I honestly believe that it is because of her prayers that I have the wonderful husband I do. She loved Tom and was thrilled when we were married - that was February of 1979. She was 90, and I was 19. Four months later, the Lord took her home to be with him. I have many regrets that I didn't take more time to talk with her about what she learned in her lifetime. But I am grateful that she loved me, prayed for me and continually spoke to me of my need for the Lord.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I often wonder what my children will remember about their grandparents living so far away from them? Then I think, distance is only what you make it. Thanks for the reminder to cherish every moment and make memories!