Mall Monkey Competition Take One!
I have been busy with a couple of writing assignments. Although I'm still not finished...I had to share with you the wonderful family night we had tonight. I called everyone and told them to meet at the mall at a certain time and place. Once everyone arrived they were each given a $5 bill and told they had one hour to find the best deal. The only stipulation was that they couldn't spend a penny over the $5.
The winner was given the coveted "Mall Monkey" trophy as well as a $20 gift card to Starbucks. You'll have to watch the slide show to see who won. This is the first of hopefully many Mall Monkey Competitions. It was a great night followed by a great meal with meaningful conversation about how they have changed over the past 7 months as a result of the excellent series we've had on Nominalism at our church. If you're interested you can listen to several of the messages yourself. You can find last Sunday's by Danny Jones here. It was especially challenging and encouraging. What a blessing it is to have such a family and such a church.
HA! This is great! I didn't even have to look to know that Seth won. I pity the fool that goes up against him when it comes to saving a buck! (Although Tracy is quickly learning =)
What a great idea Nana!
That was fun! Although if Seth didn't HIDE all the good deals in the book store I would have won. Next time there will be a rule for those CHEATERS in our family. =)
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