Nana has an Oww-eee!
That's right I have an ow-eee! In the middle of the night last night I woke up to my right index finger throbbing in pain. I was able to go back to sleep, but when I woke up this morning it hurt even worse and swollen. I couldn't think of what I had done to injure it.
Then, I remembered!
Seth, Tracy and Norah stopped by last night to go swimming in our pool. When they finished I was playing with Norah in a cardboard box. I was spinning her around in it on the carpet in our living room - guessed index finger! The way it feels and looks, I think I've sprained it. My brother told me to take advil, ice it often and use a splint!
So, Nana has an ow-eee!
Oh, that's so sad! We'll be praying that it heals quickly!
Does this mean no golf for a while? Sorry to hear that. Hope you heal faster than I have. Love you!! MOM
Sorry you got an ou-wee Debi, but thanks for being such a fun Nana! I got my own knee-ou-wees from rug burns while playing with Norah when I was there.
What an ol' girl won't do for their grandchild! =)
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